Eukaryotic Cell Structure & Function
Practice Test Questions II
from Science Prof Online
Page last updated: 1/2015
and view an unknown cell. What might you see that would tell you whether the cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
a. a rigid cell wall
b. a nucleus
c. plasma membrane
d. ribosomes
2. Which are typically smaller?
3. Which domain is composed of cells that have a membrane bound nucleus?
a. Eukarya b. Archaea c. Eubacteria
4. Which eukaryotic cellular organelle produced lysosomes?
a. rough ER b. Golgi apparatus c. smooth ER
d. mitochondria
5. The cells of plant and bacteria will NOT explode in a hypotonic environment because:
a. Only blood cells explode.
b. Plant and bacteria have a cell wall that protects them from taking on too much water.
Only prokaryotic cells explode.
Plants and bacteria are more evolutionarily ancient and that makes them stronger.
6. Microtubules are a component of the cell’s cytoskeleton. Which eukaryotic organelle produces microtubules?
a. the nucleus 
b. microfilaments 
c. plasma membrane 
d. centrosome
e. plasmid
Image of endomembrane system of eukaryotic cell. For labeled diagram click here.
Eukaryotic Cell Sample Test Questions - Part 2
Eukaryotic Cell
Practice Test Questions
These multiple choice and true/false questions are designed to help students practice and test their understanding of this topic.
Image of generic eukaryotic cell. For labeled diagram of same cell, click here.
For a practice assignment on diagramming a eukaryotic cell click here.
Page last updated: 2/2016
7. If a cell has a chloroplast it is:
a. prokaryotic
b. eukaryotic
c. can be either prokaryotic or eukaryotic
d. none of the above
8. Because of their size, structure and the fact that they each contain their own DNA, chloroplasts and mitochondria are thought to be organelles that originally evolved from …
a. eukaryotic cells
b. prokaryotic cells
c. ribosomes
9. Centrioles are involved in:
a. producing components of the cellular cytoskeleton
c. production of ribosomes
d. a & b
e. a, b & c
10. A variety of materials are moved around within eukaryotic cells via the …
b. process of phagocytosis
c. endomembrane system
d. digestive system
Click here for MORE Eukaryotic Cell practice test questions.
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