Viruses: Meet the Microbes
Practice Test Questions
Virtual Microbiology Classroom of Science Prof Online
Virus Types Sample Test Questions
These multiple choice and true/false questions are designed to help students practice and test their understanding of this topic.
For questions 2 - 6 below, indicate which feature below corresponds to …
a. live modified virus vaccines
b. killed virus vaccines:
2. Multiple doses required
3. Immune system responds faster
4. Safer
5. Virus may change back to being virulent (able to cause disease)
6. More hypersensitivity reactions
7. The genetic material of the HIV virus is…
a. RNA
b. DNA
Not nucleic acid
d. Only made of protein
a. True
1. Which term best describes why Varicella zoster virus is able to reemerge as shingles after initially causing chicken pox?
a. replication
b. latency
c. animal virus
d. exocytosis
e. lysogeny
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9. Which infections can caused by a hidden, latent viruses?
#1. influenza
#2. HIV
#3. varicella zoster
#4. HPV
#5. measles
a. 1, 2 & 3
b. 1, 2 & 4
c. 2, 3 & 4
d. 2, 4 & 4
e. 3, 4 & 5
10. Who is at risk to become infected with HPV, and develop the related cancers?
a. females only
b. males only
c. both males & females
d. only animals, not humans