Prokaryotic Cell Sample Test Questions - Part 1
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Page last updated: 9/2014
Prokaryotic Cell
Practice Test Questions I
Virtual Cell Biology Classroom of Science Prof Online

3. Prokaryotic cells divide by:
a. mitosis b. binary fission c. nuclear fission d. meiosis e. halatosis
4. The genome of a prokaryote is called a...
a. nucleus b. nucleolus c. nucleosome d. nucleoid
5. The process of water diffusing into or out of a cell is known as:
a. active transport b. facilitated diffusion c. phagocytosis d. osmosis
6. Peptidoglycan is an important molecule of bacterial cells walls. Which of the following statements regarding peptidoglycan and bacterial cells is NOT true?
a. The peptidoglygan cell wall is thicker in Gram-positive bacteria.
b. The peptidoglycan cell wall is the outermost layer of Gram-negative bacteria.
c. The outermost membrane of gram-negative bacteria contains the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
d. Gram-positive bacteria have a periplasmic space between the cell wall and the plasma membrane.
7. Ribosomes function in protein synthesis in prokaryotic cells.
a. True b. False
8. Prokaryotic cells...
b. have a nucleus
c. are more evolutionarily primitive and usually larger than eukaryotic cells
d. are more evolutionarily primitive and usually smaller than eukaryotic cells
9. The distinction between a Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacterium is based on…
a. the bacterial nucleiod
b. the type of granules it has
c. its cell wall structure
d. the type of nucleus it has
a. archaea, bacteria
b. bacteria, eukarya
c. bacteria, plants
d. all microbes
e. archaea, animals
Click here for more Prokaryotic Cell practice test questions.
1. All bacteria are prokaryotes.
a. true b. false
2. What is the name of the external membrane that is the boundary between the inside and outside of the cell?
a. epidermis
b. nuclear membrane
c. plasma membrane
d. vesicle membrane
e. endodermis
Image of generic prokaryotic cell.
For a practice assignment on diagramming a prokaryotic cell click here.
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